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Top 10 Flower Bouquet Ideas For Celebrations

  • 3 min read
From colourful to Love, today our Florist have created some pretty colourful inspiration Flower Bouquet for your celebrations using 10 beautiful Best Bouquet Ideas complete with colour palette inspiration. If you fall in love with one of these pretties, we've also included the names of the flowers in the bouquets so you know what to ask your florist for. These bouquets are ideal for Birthday, marriages, New Born Baby and for most of the celebrations.

1.Pink Perfection Hatbox

Flowers: A beautiful mix of Gerbera, Rosita, lisianthus, Eucalyptus,spray rose, hydrangea

This bunch of flowers best for expressing your love to someone, its suitable for all occasions 

Floral bouquet Design By : Dubai Florist Warren


Flower bouquet in Dubai

2.Autumn Hatbox  bouquet

Flowers: A cute combination of sunflower, orange roses, chrysanthemum green, dried autumn leaves, hypericum berry red, solidago

This flower bucket best for expressing your wishes to someone, its suitable for all occasions like birthday, wedding, anniversary and congratulate.

Floral bouquet Design By : Florist Bher

Florist Bouquet Collection



3.Baby Girl Pink Hatbox 

Flowers: A cute combination of roses, spray roses and eucalyptus.

Baby Girl Pink Hatbox Gift Set is designed by our top Florists, the perfect gift to welcome a baby girl.

Floral Design by : Florist Leonora

Rose bouquet in dubai


4. Yellow Rose Hatbox

Flowers: Yellow Rose Hatbox designed by our top Florists, the perfect gift for any occasion, we have chosen the finest fresh flowers imported from the Netherlands.

Our flowers are sourced from the finest farms in South America, Holland, France, Italy and Ethiopia and carry our freshness guarantee.

Floral Design by : Florist aileen

yellow Roses



5. Aurelia 

Flowers: A marvellous hand-tied arrangement of 50 Long Stem Yellow Roses for a loved one!  Roses are the ultimate symbol of love.

Floral Design by : Florist Airah

yellow roses bouquet


6. Just Pinks

Flowers: Soothing Pinks lovingly arranged in our Signature Hat Box, this arrangement contains, Tulips, Lily Pink, Pink Roses, Hydrangea Pink and Eucalyptus.

To Rose and Berries ensure your complete satisfaction, once your order has been arranged, your florist will send a video of your finished arrangement by WhatsApp or email for your approval, before delivery.

Floral Design by : Florist caesar

Dubai Flowers


7. Rose and Berries

Flowers: Red Roses

For a gift that implies all that and more, this simple box arrangement of red roses and white berries in our signature box makes a perfect expression.

Floral Design by : Florist warren

Red Rose Bouquet


8. Perfect White Hatbox

Flowers: Lily's, Hydrangea, White Rose, Tulips, Eucalyptus and Chrysanthemum. 

Our signature hat box with lovingly arranged Lily's, Hydrangea, White Rose, Tulips, Eucalyptus and Chrysanthemum. 

Floral Design by : Florist Dubai

Flower Bouquet Dubai


9. Aurora 

marvellous hand-tied arrangement of 50 Long Stem Red Roses for a loved one!  Roses are the ultimate symbol of love.

Our flowers are sourced from the finest farms in South America, Holland, France, Italy and Ethiopia and carry our freshness guarantee.

We have the best Customer Service in the UAE. Please feel free to check our genuine reviews on Google

red roses dubai


10. Pink Bundle Basket

Send your congratulations and welcome the birth of a baby girl with a beautiful basket arrangement, perfect for delivery to a hospital. Contains roses, lisianthus, and spray roses. 
Our flowers are sourced from the finest farms in South America, Holland, France, Italy and Ethiopia and carry our freshness guarantee.


spray roses is the best Bouquet shop in Dubai and provide wide rage of flowers for all occasions. same day delivery available across UAE

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